IRIX Base Documentation 1998 November
IRIX 6.5.2 Base Documentation November 1998.img
Text File
133 lines
LLLLPPPP((((1111)))) PPPPrrrriiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg TTTToooooooollllssss LLLLPPPP((((1111))))
lp, cancel - send/cancel requests to an LP line printer
llllpppp [----cccc] [----dddddest] [----mmmm] [----nnnnnumber] [----oooooption] [----ssss] [----tttttitle] [----wwww] [----aaaa]
ccccaaaannnncccceeeellll [-a [printer]] [ids] [printers]
_l_p arranges for the named files and associated information (collectively
called a _r_e_q_u_e_s_t) to be printed by a line printer. If no file names are
mentioned, the standard input is assumed. The file name ---- stands for the
standard input and may be supplied on the command line in conjunction
with named _f_i_l_e_s. The order in which _f_i_l_e_s appear is the same order in
which they will be printed.
_l_p associates a unique _i_d with each request and prints it on the standard
output. This _i_d can be used later to cancel (see _c_a_n_c_e_l) or find the
status (see _l_p_s_t_a_t(1)) of the request.
The _l_p command has the following options:
----cccc Make copies of the _f_i_l_e_s to be printed immediately when _l_p is
invoked. Normally, _f_i_l_e_s will not be copied, but will be
linked whenever possible (files that are not readable by the
user lp will always be copied). If the ----cccc option is not given,
then the user should be careful not to remove any of the _f_i_l_e_s
before the request has been printed in its entirety. It should
also be noted that in the absence of the ----cccc option, any changes
made to the named _f_i_l_e_s after the request is made but before it
is printed will be reflected in the printed output.
----dddd_d_e_s_t Choose _d_e_s_t as the printer or class of printers that is to do
the printing. If _d_e_s_t is a printer, then the request will be
printed only on that specific printer. If _d_e_s_t is a class of
printers, then the request will be printed on the first
available printer that is a member of the class. Under certain
conditions (printer unavailability, file space limitation,
etc.), requests for specific destinations may not be accepted
(see _a_c_c_e_p_t(1M) and _l_p_s_t_a_t(1)). By default, _d_e_s_t is taken from
the environment variable LLLLPPPPDDDDEEEESSSSTTTT (if it is set). Otherwise, a
default destination (if one exists) for the computer system is
used. Destination names vary between systems (see _l_p_s_t_a_t(1)).
----mmmm Send mail (see _m_a_i_l(1)) after the files have been printed. By
default, no mail is sent upon normal completion of the print
----nnnn_n_u_m_b_e_r Print _n_u_m_b_e_r copies of the output.
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 1111
LLLLPPPP((((1111)))) PPPPrrrriiiinnnnttttiiiinnnngggg TTTToooooooollllssss LLLLPPPP((((1111))))
----oooo_o_p_t_i_o_n Specify printer-dependent or class-dependent _o_p_t_i_o_n_s. Several
such _o_p_t_i_o_n_s may be collected by specifying the ----oooo keyletter
more than once. For more information about what is valid for
_o_p_t_i_o_n_s, see MMMMooooddddeeeellllssss in _l_p_a_d_m_i_n(1M).
----ssss Suppress messages from _l_p(1) such as "request id is ...".
----tttt_t_i_t_l_e Print _t_i_t_l_e on the banner page of the output.
----wwww Write a message on the user's terminal after the _f_i_l_e_s have
been printed. If the user is not logged in, then mail will be
sent instead.
_C_a_n_c_e_l cancels line printer requests that were made by the _l_p(1) command.
The command line arguments may be either request _i_d_s (as returned by
_l_p(1)) or _p_r_i_n_t_e_r names (for a complete list, use _l_p_s_t_a_t(1)). Specifying
a request _i_d cancels the associated request even if it is currently
printing. Specifying a _p_r_i_n_t_e_r cancels the request which is currently
printing on that printer. In either case, the cancellation of a request
that is currently printing frees the printer to print its next available
The _c_a_n_c_e_l command has the following options for cancelling all pending
----aaaa [[[[pppprrrriiiinnnntttteeeerrrrnnnnaaaammmmeeee]]]]
-a with no printer name specified cancels all requests on all
printers. If a printername is specified after -a then all
print jobs for that printer are cancelled.
enable(1), lpstat(1), mail(1), accept(1M), lpadmin(1M), lpsched(1M)
PPPPaaaaggggeeee 2222